designer | artist | innovator

Brand Development

Create a brand identity that conveys the values of the business.

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What's your status?

Inform users of site downtime / scheduled maintenance so the business can plan around any system outages.

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Brush Strokes et al

Even when I'm not being creative at work, I'm creative at play. I try to use anything and everything from toothbrushes to paint with, to pallets to build with. I'll make anything from everything.

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Product Re-design

Rebrand the visual identity and redesign the mobile Buy funnel and My Account platforms.

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New Product Development

The aim was to differentiate existing product and expand sales, with the solution sold to families for their holiday and continuing to be relevant and loaded once home; as a fun and secure child pocket money / daily spend solution.

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Material Design

To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit; it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatise, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse.

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Sketch and Prototype

Understandingh the business wants, customer needs and technical considerations.

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Logo Development

"Hey dad. I need a logo for my new business. I have an idea...."

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